Are you looking for attack strategies for a war attack? Or maybe you upgraded to a new Town hall level and now want to learn attacks with newly unlocked troops?
💪 Or maybe you are an experienced player and want to help others by suggesting or explaining attack strategies?
You can use our app- Clash Gear - to do both! 🔻 Below is a quick list of things you can do in Clash Gear:
👉 Quickly Create Strategy
👉 Upload and Share Strategy
👉 Browse Collection of Strategies
👉 Requests: Ask for attack plans, or create strategy for a request
👉 Animated View: See deployments one by one as animation
👉 Video demo: you can add video links to strategies
👉 See elixir/DE costs for a strategy
⚔️🛡 Explaining an attack plan is not easy. Which troops to take, how many of each troop, what to take in CC, where to drop troops, when to drop- so many questions to answer. 🤦
Clash Gear helps you to create plans easily- where you can explain all the above with JUST ONE IMAGE.
It takes only a minute to create a strategy-
1. Find available troops (Use Player Tag OR TH Level)
2. Select troops/spells/CC to create an Army
3. Select Target Base screenshot
4. Deploy troops into target base image
5. Save and Share
🏆 You can share these strategies as image or as animated strategy showing troop deployments one by one.
🎁 If you are not an expert attacker and want to learn new strategies- you can browse available strategies or request for strategies to community.
💰💰💰 Maybe you need a plan for a war attack, or you are looking for a cheap troop composition for loot? You can filter available strategies by elixir cost or dark elixir cost to find the best army composition for your goal.
Strategies are organized by TH level, and various Tags, or their costs- so that you can find the most appropriate ones for you. 👍
We are using Clash of Clans apis for features like- getting available troops for attack, or hero levels etc, so when someone creates a strategy for a fellow clasher- they can use the exact levels of troops and heores of that player.
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